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QTP Interview Questions

1.      Where can we use a Function or an Action?

2.      What is the difference between an Action and a Function?

3.      What are the various events available in the Recovery Scenario Manager?

4.      What are the Elements of Recovery Scenario?

5.      When to use a Recovery Scenario and When to use “on error resume next”?

6.      What are the key features of QTP at a glance

7.      What are various types of properties when using Object Identification in

8.      What are the various ways to insert a Action in a test in QTP?

9.      What is the use of Parameterization in QTP?

10.  What are Data Tables in QTP?

11.  What are the Environment Variables?

12.  How many types of Parameters are there in QTP?

13.  What is Descriptive Programming?

14.  After creating the test, what is the purpose of running them?

15.  What are the main stages of Testing with QTP?

16.  How can we do the Analysis of Results in QTP?

17.  What is Business Process Testing?

18.  What are Permissions Required to Run QTP?

19.  What is the role of Keyword View in QTP?

20.  What is the role of Expert View in QTP?

21.  What are the various utilities and tools available in QTP?

22.  What is the concept of Test Object Model in QTP?

23.  Please explain some real world scenario explaining Object Learning process
of QTP?

24.  What is the method used by QTP to learn objects?

25.  What is Test Object Method in QTP?

26.  What are the Test Object Properties in QTP?

27.  How to decide on whether to save the objects in Local or Shared Object

28.  What are the possibilities of Exporting the data among various Object

29.  What is the effect of restoring Default Properties for a Test Object in QTP?

30.  What is the use of Ordinal Identifiers in QTP?
                                                                                                                                   READ MORE

 31.  What is the purpose of Text and Text Area Output Values in QTP?

32.  What is the purpose of Table Output Values in QTP?

33.  What is the purpose of Database Output Values in QTP?

34.  What is the purpose of XML Output Values in QTP?

35.  How the output values are stored during the run sessions?

36.  How do we store output values in Test and Action Parameters?

37.  How do we store output values in Run-time Data Table?

38.  How do we store output values in Environment Variable?

39.  In what situations we output a value for a step in a test action?

40.  What are the options available when outputting a value to the Data Table?

41.  What is a Regular Expression?

42.  What is the use of Regular expressions in QTP?

43.  How do we use Regular Expressions in Checkpoints?

44.  What are the values for which we can define the regular expression?

45.  What is the purpose of including Programming Statements in Tests?

46.  What are the contents of the Programming Statements used in tests?

47.  How can we increase the Readability of our Tests?

48.  What is the use of Transaction Statement?

49.  What steps can be defined in Step Generator?

50.  How can we incorporate decision-making into the tests?

51.  How can we do the nesting of If…Then…Else statement?

52.  What is the use of Looping Statements?

53.  What type of Loop Statements are available in Keyword View?

54.  What is the purpose of having comments in the tests?

55.  How can we add the same comment to every action that we create?

56.  What is Synchronization of Tests in QTP?

57.  What is a Synchronization Point in QTP?

58.  What are the ways by which we can make QTP to wait?

59.  What is the purpose of creating Synchronization Points in QTP?

60.  What happens if we don’t use Synchronization Point in QTP?

61.  What is the purpose of Expert View in QTP?

62.  What is the main difference between Keyword View & The Expert View in

63.  How can we insert a checkpoint or output value statement in Expert View

64.  What are the various ways of generating Statements in Expert View?

65.  What is IntelliSense in QTP?

66.  What is the purpose of Auto-expand VBScript syntax option in QTP?

67.  What is the purpose of bookmarks in our Test Actions?

68.  What is the meaning of error message “Expected end of statement” while
running a test?

69.  What are the types of Programmatic Descriptions?

70.  How can we retrieve all objects located inside a Parent Object?

71.  What is the advantage of using Index Property in Programmatic

72.  How can we run standard DOS commands in QTP tests?

73.  What is the advantage of having User-Defined Functions?

74.  What is a Function Library?

75.  What are the modes available to open a function library?

76.  How can we debug a Function Library?

77.  What is Function Definition Generator?

78.  What methodology QTP follows while running the tests?

79.  How can we do part running of the test?

80.  What are Optional Steps in testing?

81.  What is a XML Check Point in QTP?

82.  What is the process of capturing visible portion of an object in QTP?

83.  What is the process of comparing selected area of object with Bitmap
stored in the checkpoint?

84.  How can we define a time interval for QTP to perform a checkpoint

85.  How can we check the object property values in our application?

86.  How can we identify a checkpoint in QTP?

87.  How can we Insert statement option when adding a checkpoint during the

88.  How can we compare the image files in the Image Checkpoint?

89.  How can we check the contents of tables in our application in QTP?

90.  How do we compare actual cell values with the expected cell values in
Tables in QTP?.

91.  How can we check the location of a cell to be checked in a Column of a

92.  How can we check the location of a cell to be checked in a Row of a table?

93.  How can we ensure that a text string appears in a specified area in QTP?

94.  How QTP retrieves Text while checking the text during the test?

95.  How can we check the databases accessed by our application in QTP?

96.  How can we check a current data value with a value stored in a database
in QTP?

97.  What is the maximum number of rows, which can be defined in a database
in QTP?

98.  What is XML?

99.  How can we verify the data content of XML files?

100.                      What are the various types of XML checkpoints in QTP?

101.                      What is the use of XML Checkpoints on Web service operations?

102.                      What is the use of XML Tree?

103.                      How many types of element checks are available in XML Checkpoints in

104.                      What is Schema Validation?

105.                      What are the methods to populate the XML Tree?

106.                      What are the special guidelines for Schema Validation?

107.                      What is the use of Parameterizing in QTP?

108.                      What is the use of Data Driver when adding parameters in QTP?

109.                      How can we parameterize a step in QTP?

110.                      What is the use of Data Table Parameters in QTP?

111.                      : What are the options available for configuring Data Table Parameters?

112.                      What is the use of Data Table formula in parametrization of data tables?

113.                      What is the use of Global Data Table parameters in QTP?

114.                      What is the use of Local Data Table parameters in QTP?

115.                      What is the use of Environment parameters in QTP?

116.                      What are the types of Environment Variables in QTP?

117.                      How do we use User-Defined External Environment Variables in QTP?

118.                      Can we create many external variable files with same names & different

119.                      How to use Environment Variable Files with Quality Center?

120.                      Where do we use Built-in Environment Variables in QTP?

121.                      What are the options available for configuring Environment Variable

122.                      What are the various options for configuring Random Number Parameters?

123.                      How do we use Random Number Parameters for Non-Numeric Values?

124.                      What is the use of Data Driver in parameterizing the tests?

125.                      Can we use Data Driver to parameterize the VBScript functions?

126.                      What is the use of Step-by-step parameterization option in Data Driver

127.                      What is the use of Parameterize All option in Data Driver wizard?

128.                      What is an Output Value Step in QTP?

129.                      What is the purpose of creating Output Value Steps in QTP

130.                      What are the various categories of output values in QTP?

131.                      What is the purpose of Standard Output Values in QTP?

132.                      What are the steps for implementing tests with Keyword Driven

133.                      How do we analyze our application to determine our testing needs using

134.                      In what situations recording mechanism shall be useful in creating tests in

135.                      What are the various Recording Modes in QTP?

136.                      How can we switch to Low Level Recording mode while editing a test?

137.                      What is the use of Keyword View in QTP?

138.                      What are Conditional and Loop Statements used in the Keyword View in

139.                      What is the use of a Comment in the Comment cell of a step in QTP?

140.                      What are Nesting Actions & what is the use of them?

141.                      Splitting Actions option is not available under what circumstances in QTP?

142.                      What is the use of Action Parameters in QTP?

143.                      What are the various types of Exit Action Statements in QTP?

144.                      What is the use of Checkpoints in QTP?

145.                      What are the situations best suited for using an existing Checkpoint?

146.                      What is the reason that “Add Existing Checkpoint” dialog box is not visible?

147.                      What is a Standard Check Point in QTP?

148.                      What is a Image Check Point in QTP?

149.                      What is a Bitmap Check Point in QTP?

150.                      What is a Table Check Point in QTP?

151.                      What is a Text Check Point in QTP?

152.                      What is a Text Area Check Point in QTP?

153.                      What is an Accessibility Check Point in QTP?

154.                      What is a Page Check Point in QTP?

155.                      What is a Database Check Point in QTP?

156.                      What is a XML Check Point in QTP?

157.                      What is the use of Mapping Repository Parameter Values in QTP?

158.                      What are the various Object Properties in QTP?

159.                      What are the types of Ordinal Identifiers used by QTP to identify an object?

160.                      What is Index Property for Identifying the Objects in QTP?

161.                      What is Location Property for Identifying the Objects in QTP?

162.                      What is Creation Time Property for Identifying the Objects in QTP?

163.                      What is the Smart Identification Process of QTP

164.                      What happens in case Smart Identification fails to identify the object in

165.                      What is the use of Repository Parameters in QTP?

166.                      How can we locate Test Objects in an Object Repository?

167.                      How can we perform Merge Operations among various Object Repositories?

168.                      How can we perform Import & Export Operations among various Object

169.                      How can we Integrate QTP with Quality Center?

170.                      What is the use of Template Tests in QTP?

171.                      How can we create a QTP Test in Quality Center?

172.                      What is Business Process Testing Model?

173.                      What is the role of Subject Matter Expert in the Business Process Testing

174.                      What is the role of Automation Engineer in the Business Process Testing

175.                      What are the Differences Between Components and Tests?

176.                      How can we compare objects among two object repositories?

177.                      What are the various types of objects identified by the comparison tool in

178.                      What are the situations best suited to Recording in QTP?

179.                      What are the advantages of Keyword Driven testing in QTP?

180.                      What are Absolute and Relative Paths in QTP?

181.                      What are the situations best suited to Keyword-driven methodology in QTP?

182.                      Where can we use a Function or an Action?

183.                      What is the difference between an Action and a Function?

184.                      What are the various events available in the Recovery Scenario Manager?

185.                      What are the Elements of Recovery Scenario?

186.                      When to use a Recovery Scenario and When to use “on error resume next”?

187.                      What are the key features of QTP at a glance

188.                      What are various types of properties when using Object Identification in

189.                      What are the various ways to insert a Action in a test in QTP?

190.                      What is the use of Parameterization in QTP?

191.                      What are Data Tables in QTP?

192.                      What are the Environment Variables?

193.                      How many types of Parameters are there in QTP?

194.                      What is Descriptive Programming?

195.                      After creating the test, what is the purpose of running them?

196.                      What are the main stages of Testing with QTP?

197.                      How can we do the Analysis of Results in QTP?

198.                      What is Business Process Testing?

199.                      What are Permissions Required to Run QTP?

200.                      What is the role of Keyword View in QTP?

201.                      What is the role of Expert View in QTP?

202.                      What are the various utilities and tools available in QTP?

203.                      What is the concept of Test Object Model in QTP?

204.                      Please explain some real world scenario explaining Object Learning process
of QTP?

205.                      What is the method used by QTP to learn objects?

206.                      What is Test Object Method in QTP?

207.                      What are the Test Object Properties in QTP?

208.                      How to decide on whether to save the objects in Local or Shared Object

209.                      What are the possibilities of Exporting the data among various Object

210.                      What is the effect of restoring Default Properties for a Test Object in QTP?

211.                        What is the use of Ordinal Identifiers in QTP?


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