Challenges to define a Product Owner 

This research aims to support our Universidade Municipal de
São Caetano do Sul’s Information Systems Bachelor’s final paper.
The data will be treated in confidence and their results will be
only used for academic purposes. It will not take more than 10 minutes to answer the questions.We appreciate your participation.
Bruna Bravin
Dorivaldo Alves Júnior
Heitor Nascimento Cardoso de Lima
Marianne Guelbali Perton
William Roberto da Silva
* Required

    1) What is your professional profile? *


    2) How long have you already worked with agile methodology? *

    3) Which of the following segments of the market do you work? *


    4) What is the percentage of projects does your project team do using SCRUM?

    5) When adopting agile methodologies, the organization needs to be structured and organized to formalize agreements and administrative controls, using requirement management and conducting operational control over the resources, contributing to the objective of achieving good results in the product delivery to the customer. *
    Answer based on your experience with Scrum

    6) According to your working environment, classify organizational culture according to the criteria below and according to the vision that you have about these criterion. *

    Supple and flexible, focused on innovation and change

    Promotes a conservative environment

    Promotes visibility of products, processes and organizational structure

    Strait relationship through communication, through memos, newsletters, newspapers and even face to face communication

    Free communication between different sectors and hierarchical levels

    Provide clarity regarding objectives and expectations for performance linked to reward

    Freedom for criticism and discussions, but with restricted communication between hierarchical channels

    Use of rules and regulations supervising and support employees

    7) In your opinion, what are the biggest mistakes that many organizations make when they try to implement Scrum or another agile methodology? *
    Choose one to three options


    8) Among the difficulties to define a Product Owner, the organization culture is a crucial factor. *

    9) Among the determining factors by the success of a project in software development, we can consider that choosing the right project manager is the principal component. In this context, the Product Owner has to Scrum the same or higher relevance. *

    10) In your opinion, does the similarity between the Product Owner and Product Manager roles, disrupt his function on an agile project? *
    Product Manager: responsible for planning and developing a project of a new product.

    11) Which of the following roles found on traditional methodologies, like PMBOK, do you think the Product Owner role is similar to? *


    12) In your opinion, which kind of Product Owner do you think that can have a better performance, internal or external? *

    13) Do you consider an improvement adding the human resources and communication management processes from the PMBOK guide to a SCRUM project, in order to support and complement the management? *

    14) On a Scrum Project, the Product Owner is one of the most important role and, therefore, it assumes many responsibilities, for example taking decisions. In your opinion, can it make a Product Owner act like a manager? *

    15) Which of the following characteristics, do you consider essential for a person who is Product Owner? *
    Choose up to 4 you really consider important.

    16) Which of the following negative characteristics can affect the performance of a Product Owner? *
    Choose all you consider necessary.

    17) In your opinion, which of the following technical skills are needed to a complete Product Owner? *
    Choose all you consider necessary.


    18) In your opinion, should Product Owner know IT frameworks, for example, ITIL, TOGAF and COBIT since they contribute with product value maximization? *

    Thank you very much for answering the questions. If you would like to obtain a copy of the results of this research, please, let your e-mail address below.