7 Steps to Success

After the tryout I sat down with friends to find out if this was something we really wanted or if it was just a urge brought on by talk among the friends at college. Determining if this was truly our goal was critical because shaving 30 seconds off our time represented a 25% improvement. And that kind of improvement would require real commitment and dedication to the cause. To make matters more challenging, the next and final tryout would be a year later - leaving little time to produce fantastic results.

Determine What You Want: Before start on the 7 Steps to Success you must know at what you want to succeed. You must have determined in very specific terms what success looks like, feels like, tastes like and smells like.There can be no uncertainty. 

The most successful people their work differently than most. See how they:

Carolina: My case success means being able to live and achieve our dreams. 
Mohan: Success means independence and happiness.

Step 1: Believe You WILL Be Successful: Over the course of our adult life we have spent a considerable amount of time reading academic journals, books, articles and watching videos about human potential. In nearly 100% of the content is the conclusion that goals are difficult-to-impossible to achieve if you do not have an internal belief that you can do it. Study after study has been conducted on the power of positive affirmation. If you can't look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself genuinely that you can do it then most likely, no matter how much effort and training you put into it, you will have a difficult time reaching your goal. You must believe in yourself!